
click here for complete presentation on static methods
click here for complete presentation on objects

What is a method?

  • A method is a piece of Java code packaged up so you can reuse it.
  • Usually, a method will take some input and give some output
  • System.out.println() is an example of a method
  • Using a method (calling a method) always requires parentheses

Idea of a method

  • Methods allow you to package up some code to run over and over
  • Methods usually take some input (like numbers or Strings) so that they can be customized
  • Methods often give back an answer (like the square root of a number)

Method Stucture

accessModifier returnType methodName(parameters)

Access Modifier

Access modifiers are either public, private, protected, or default

  • public - Any program can use the method if it's public
  • private - Only the class containing the method can use the method
  • protected - Only classes in the same package can access the method. If the class is sub classed, then the method can be access regardless of the package.
  • default - Default access occurs when you leave the access modifer blank.

Return Type

Methods can return primitives (int, double, boolean, char) ,objects, or void

  • void - void method do not return a value. Void methods only do something. If you try to save the value they return, there will be a compiler error
  • protected - Only classes in the same package can access the method. If the class is sub classed, then the method can be access regardless of the package.
  • default - Default access occurs when you leave the access modifer blank.

Simple method example

Given two integers, find the bigger:

public int max(int a, int b)

if( a > b )
  return a;
  return b;


Why Object Reference Methods

  • object methods are methods connected to a particular object
  • They perform a simple or specific task

Proper syntax for calling a static method gives first the reference variable (of the instance of class) , a dot, the name of the method, then the arguments

ObjectReferenceVariable.nameMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3);


String s1 = new String("Hello");
System.out.println("The lenght is " + s1.length());

The length is 5

Random gen = new Randon();
int num = gen.nextInt(10); //num contains 9

Simple static method example

Given two integers, find the smaller:

public static int min(int a, int b)

if( a < b )
  return a;
  return b;


Why Static

  • static methods are methods not connected to a particular object
  • They perform a simple or specific task

Proper syntax for calling a static method gives first the name of the class the method is in, a dot, the name of the method, then the arguments

ClassName.MethodName(arg1, arg2, arg3);


int num = Math.abs(-3); // num is equal to 3
int high = Math.max(4,3); // high = 4

Scanner Class

Credit: A Slides are modified with permission from Barry Wittman at Elizabethtown College
This work is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License